Fluorspar mining and processing

Fluorspar mining and processing

essential mineral for ecological transition

Using the latest available extraction technology and a modern production system, with innovative methods and facilities geared towards the circular economy, mining activity has minimal environmental impact on the local area.

million Euros
million certified tonnes
new hire


Mineraria Gerrei

Mineraria Gerrei projects an estimated annual production of 70 thousand tonnes of 97.5% fluorspar, and an additional 6,800 tonnes of galena from the site. Fluorspar is an essential mineral for ecological transition as it is used, in combination with other materials, as electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries.

an essential resource

for hi-tech industries

Mineraria Gerrei projects an estimated annual production of 70 thousand tonnes of 97.5% fluorspar, and an additional 6,800 tonnes of galena from the site. Fluorspar is an essential mineral for ecological transition as it is used, in combination with other materials, as electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries.

Competences and objectives

Competences and objectives

Mineraria gerrei: sole concessionaire of the Silius reserve

Founded in Silius (Southern Sardinia) in 2018, Mineraria Gerrei operates in the production of fluorspar. It specializes in the extraction of raw materials using modern technology, teams up with some of Italy’s leading universities on research projects and works according to the key principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

The company is the sole concessionaire of the Silius reserve and aims to make a significant contribution to the EU strategy of reshoring the production of critical raw materials, with a particular focus on reviving the national production of fluorspar and other minerals essential to new technology.

Work with us

Works in the mining industry

We are looking for specialized personnel, with specific skills in operating processes and next generation mineral facilities and, more generally, in work relating to the research or extraction and treatment of raw materials using innovative methods.

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